FARO Zone 3D Software Delivers Photogrammetry Capabilities

FARO Zone 3D Software Delivers Photogrammetry Capabilities

A new edition of FARO Zone 3D Software has been released to the public safety sector, giving professionals in security, law enforcement, and the criminal justice system the vital additional features they require.

These include cutting-edge graphics, adaptable vehicle modeling, and photogrammetry integrations for measurement from images.

With the recently announced release of FARO Zone 3D Software, public safety professionals now have access to multi-modal, capture-device independent software that can diagram, document, and analyze forensic scenes using data from drones, 3D laser scanners, 2D photos, and other conventional measurement devices, leaving no client or data collection technique behind.

According to Noreen Charlton, Software Product Marketing Manager at FARO, "This edition of FARO Zone 3D Software is the most versatile ever for data input and processing, making the most complete scene documentation software on the market even better."

Public safety professionals can model crime and crash scenes in 3D and virtually take jurors through a forensic scene with an exceptional level of realism using images from almost any capture device, including drones, photographs, laser scanners from a variety of manufacturers, hand-measured data, and more.

Charlton cites an important element in this FARO Zone 3D software release—improved point cloud capability—as helping to achieve that realism, which is essential for solving and proving cases in the courts. Zone 3D Expert and Zone 3D Pro are the two versions of the FARO Zone 3D software that are offered.

Users can turn photos into point cloud data with Zone 3D Expert, which includes the new, exclusive photogrammetry engine FotoPoints. This means that for the first time, we are giving users the ability to measure precisely from 2D or 3D data. Users of 3D Pro can now import point cloud data into the program for use in forensic scene analysis, which is another first.

With the help of these tools, users may accurately rebuild any scene using many sources of data, produce factual diagrams and photorealistic visualizations, and produce animations in a setting that combines point clouds and panoramic images.

Additionally, the camera lock feature enables editing drawings without changing the perspective by freezing the camera angle. This can also be used to align a point cloud with an overlay image or video. The FARO Zone 3D software is the most complete public safety tool for documentation, training, analysis, and presentation thanks to its large library of pre-existing features.

My3D.Cloud - a platform for Architects and Contractors who uses 3D laser scanning and 3D modelling in their work.

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We have created this platform to improve project delivery and collaboration experience. Thanks to it, users get the opportunity to increase the loyalty of their customers, and in turn, customers get time savings and maximum convenience.

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