Simplify3D releases upgraded build preparation software

Simplify3D releases upgraded build preparation software

More than 120 new features and enhancements are included in Simplify3D Version 5.0, including a next-generation slicing engine and integrated print optimizations.

Version 5.0 of Simplify3D's build preparation software, which was launched in December of last year, has more than 120 new features and enhancements, including a next-generation slicing engine, integrated print optimizations, and a feature-rich user interface.

The reduced user interface in version 5.0 is performance-focused. Common controls are brought into view by integrated toolbar layouts, and quick access to the whole feature set is made possible via keyboard shortcuts that can be customized. With sophisticated zoom and rotation controls that make it simple to examine small details, the UI is also more user-friendly than before. By automatically detecting changes to the CAD design and smoothly updating parts in Simplify3D, live tracking of 3D model files keeps geometry in sync. New tools have been added to the support structure editing to quickly add or remove huge regions of support with a single click. With the addition of WiFi and Ethernet machine connection for remote monitoring and management of 3D printers, the printing process itself has also grown simpler.

New algorithms deliver unheard-of speed enhancements up to 3x faster than Simplify3D's 2017-launched previous edition. Now, during processing, many typical mesh faults are automatically fixed. Users can isolate particular scenarios or patterns during the print and use precise customizations thanks to targeting capabilities (examples of targeting include adjusting interior hole tolerances separately from external outlines, printing small perimeters at reduced speeds for improved quality, reinforcing weak features with stronger infill parameters, or adjusting high flow rate regions to prevent clogs). All the additional configuration options are accessible through a simplified settings interface, which also allows users to compare settings profiles to identify the key differences and search for settings by name.

To get the best results, Simplify3D Version 5 examines prints layer by layer and makes calculated modifications. To achieve the ideal mix of quality and speed, the Adaptive Layer Height leverages 3D model topology to dynamically modify layer thickness. By carefully deciding where the best place is to start each toolpath and concealing start points from view, the Automated Seam Hiding eliminates surface flaws. By automatically increasing the infill percentage close to the top of the part, Dynamic Infill Density improves top surfaces while using less material. By changing the pattern on each layer, a variety of innovative 3D infill patterns produce morphing interior structures that boost lateral strength. New levels of quality, strength, and durability are made possible by the new optimization architecture that supports all these qualities by empowering users to create superior prints that are highly personalized for each individual part.

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