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Riegl VZ-6000
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Riegl VZ-6000

Product code 615
€0 EUR€0 EUR
DescriptionDetails & specsAttachments
RIEGL VZ-6000 The new high speed, high resolution terrestrial 3D Laser Scanner VZ-6000 offers an extremely long measurement range of more than 6000 m for topographic (static) applications. Being the Laser Class 3B companion to the VZ-4000, it is, due to its laser wavelength, exceptionally well suited for measuring snowy and icy terrain in glacier mapping and monitoring applications in mountainous regions.
he new high speed, high resolution terrestrial 3D Laser Scanner VZ-6000 offers an extremely long measurement range of more than 6000 m for topographic (static) applications. Being the Laser Class 3B companion to the VZ-4000, it is, due to its laser wavelength, exceptionally well suited for measuring snowy and icy terrain in glacier mapping and monitoring applications in mountainous regions.

The RIEGL VZ-6000 is compatible with the well-proven RIEGL software package RiSCAN PRO for terrestrial laser scanning, RIEGL’s interface library RiVLib, as well as the workflow-optimizing software packages RiMONITOR and RiMINING. The software plugin RiMTA-3D provides automatic assignment of the correct MTA zones in multiple time around processing.

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