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Store homepageTrimble FX 3D Laser Scanner
Trimble FX 3D Laser Scanner
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Trimble FX 3D Laser Scanner

Product code 641
€0 EUR€0 EUR
DescriptionDetails & specsAttachments
The Trimble FX scanner is an advanced 3D
laser measurement instrument designed for
use in industrial, shipbuilding and offshore
platform environments where fast acquisition
of clean, accurate data is paramount . With
a 360° x 270° field of view and average
data capture rates of 190,000 points per
second, the Trimble FX system provides real
advantages for your project management .
The Trimble FX scanner is a highly mobile
instrument that weighs just 11 kg, allowing
for easy movement on a project . The included
carry on case conforms to the requirements
of most airlines to be placed in an overhead
luggage bin, allowing you to carry the
instrument with you, reducing the risk of
damage or misplacement . The Trimble FX
scanner also meets the carry on requirements
for working in the offshore industry, where
the shipment of equipment is restricted.

It's all in the data
The Trimble FX scanner allows users to
measure existing conditions quickly and
accurately, creating a high-resolution image .
Each pixel in the image represents a 3D point
in space that can be used for virtual surveying,
locating interferences and connection points,
or to create 2D and 3D CAD shapes for use
with AVEVA, Intergraph, Autodesk, Bentley
and other design software systems .
The Trimble FX scanner creates clean lownoise data, reducing the number of hours
needed in the office to process the data .
Data can either be used in its raw format
directly using the Trimble LASERGen™ suite
of software applications or imported into
Trimble RealWorks® Survey software or
Trimble 3Dipsos modeling software.

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