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ZEB Locate
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ZEB Locate

Product code 60
€0 EUR€0 EUR
DescriptionDetails & specsAttachments
ZEB Locate System - Georeferencing without extra control points with the strongest SLAM algorithm on the laser scanning market.
The ZEB Locate combines the mobile laser scanner ZEB-HORIZON and a GPS antenna** (e.g. Trimble Catalyst DA1) into one system. By connecting both systems, you can georeference your point cloud without additional measured control points.

Georeference your point cloud

With the ZEB Locate you connect your point cloud with the coordinates of the real world. By combining the ZEB-HORIZON's industry-leading SLAM technology with a GPS antenna that delivers NMEA positions, you can locate your point cloud in a higher-level coordinate system. The additional measurement of control points is not necessary.

The range of the ZEB-HORIZON of 100 m makes the ZEB Locate ideal for outdoor use.

Areas of application include:

Urban street maps
Inspection and maintenance of utility poles
mapping of pipelines
Measurement of cable installations

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